Where We Are

Why the Congolese people?

The Congo in Africa is over three times as big as Texas, in the United States, and is endowed with world class natural resources, including cobalt, gold, copper, and rare earth minerals that are increasing utilized to drive today’s modern technology around the world. However, most people in the Congo have not benefited from this wealth, and currently 62%, or 60 million people, continue to live on less than $2.15 a day.

A long history of conflict, political upheaval and instability, and authoritarian rule have led to a grave, decade long ongoing humanitarian crisis. Hope among the people is fleeting. Peoples’ villages are invaded by militias, many are killed, children forced into the mines, all to gain control of the minerals just below the surface. That is why so may have fled the Congo, becoming refugees in Uganda.


  • Congolese day laborers forced to dig in mines to eat and survive.
  • Thousands of child laborers work daily in mines.
  • 1,500,000 Congolese refugees have now fled to Uganda.
  • There is a lack of clean water, food, and medical care.
  • Education is poor and unaffordable.
  • Continuous rampant mining and political corruption
  • Over 100 armed militias protect mining sites and seize new ones.

2023 Update

Since our last trip to Africa hundreds of house churches have formed throughout the these settlements and beyond with expectations of many more forming. As believers share their personal stories and “the Good News” with their fellow Congolese, more training, more teaching, and more bibles are needed going forward. With this movement and growing need, we are going back to Africa. Please pray and consider joining us and/or providing the much needed resources to keep the church among the Congolese thriving!


Goals – To make Disciples and train Leaders

Hope can seem distant or even lost at times, but there is always hope with God. True hope is spreading in Africa, one person and family at a time, then spreading throughout villages, communities and new people groups. Jesus is our true hope… He is the answer to everything we need.

House churches have started so people can share the simple gospel message of Jesus’ love. Our Major goals are to make biblical disciples and to further train leaders on the ground and support the growing network of house churches in the region and settlements.

We Need Your Help





supports 6 leaders with phone & travel for a month

buys 20 bibles

fully train 50 leaders

covers missionary trip from the United States

$100 – supports 6 leaders with phone & travel for a month

$300 – buys 20 bibles

$1500 – fully train 50 leaders

$4000 – covers missionary trip from the United States

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