The Congo

How it all started from the Founder. It’s just like God to start His ministry in the middle of Covid in 2020. While the world is shutting down, His work continues. In the spring of 2020, God had me begin to teach on Facebook which was totally new for me. Through that,...

Congo Prison Ministry

Groups have grown from 30 to 64 for a total of over 1,200 prisoners now studying Gods word. Read this recent praise report from the Congo:Praise God pastor Bill and brother Dan! On a recent trip during our second day in Bukavu, we visited a prison where 378 people got...

National Congolese Police Training

We asked for your prayers and surely God has heard us! God opened two huge doors, praise the Lord! First, The Congolese National Police in Bukavu, Congo asked us to train and equip police officers for three days to share the gospel and make disciples. Imagine police...

Bukavu Prisoners Receive the Gospel

Praise the Lord, we shared the gospel with 3,000 plus prisoners in Bukavu, Congo and 387 gave their lives to Christ. 30 small groups of 20 members each were established to grow and share even more in the prison. Let’s pray this work grows as God continues to open...

January Word from the Founder

2024 has launched rapidly with multiple trainings in two refugee camps in Uganda and another team is returning to the Congo later this month. I am very encouraged and excited to experience what God is going to do in 2024. Why do you say that you ask? Well, I am seeing...

2024 Projects

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October – Newsletter Feature

Learning to Teach & Proclaim the Kingdom Bill Crenshaw from Rock Ministries in Texas gives us an insight into the real world application of Order of Jacob's Well Kingdom teaching A very short five months ago, I met Brother Mike in Houston, Texas when I was invited...

Going on an Adventure

August Letter from the Founder “I’m going on an adventure!”, shouts an excited Bilbo Baggins in the epic first Lord of the Rings trilogy. I get excited just hearing those words and maybe you do too! Deep down, we need a part of life that is adventurous, unknown, and...

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