August Letter from the Founder

“I’m going on an adventure!”, shouts an excited Bilbo Baggins in the epic first Lord of the Rings trilogy. I get excited just hearing those words and maybe you do too! Deep down, we need a part of life that is adventurous, unknown, and to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves. God has designed you and me to partner with Him in His adventures of bringing His kingdom, or rule here on earth. You and I each have crucial roles to play as the kingdom comes and impacts us, our families, communities and ultimately nations for God’s glory.

So, I ask you, are you adventuring with God now? If so, bless you. If not, may I encourage you to openly ask God to bring you an adventure? I also invite you to take a step with us and experience our kingdom adventure with the Congolese people in Uganda and the Congo. Our vision for the Congolese people is rooted in Mattew 6:33, where Jesus teaches, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” In other words, when we put first God’s business (kingdom) and our relationship (righteousness), our needs will be provided. There are so many opportunities to serve and join us, both at home or on the next trip to Africa. There is something for everyone!

Have an idea to serve that’s on your heart? The time to begin an adventure is today! I would love to connect with you and hear your ideas, so please reach out.


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