Christ broke all our chains on the cross. “It is finished!” Praise the Lord.

What chains are you living with today? What areas of your life are still bound up in chains? Christ broke every one of those chains over 2,000 years ago. His plans and destiny for each of His children was in place before we were ever born.

God’s sovereign purpose and our perfect destiny is where each one of us truly desire to be! That is our purpose, our calling. Our purpose and calling is one of freedom in Christ. No chains. It is for freedom Christ has come. Christ’s freedom for us His plans, have no chains attached, none from our past, none from ourselves, none from the Devil. There is freedom in Christ!

In our natural power (our self without the Holy Spirit), we have no hope and no chance of removing or cutting the chains of our lives that prohibit us from our purpose in Christ. We, as His children, must fully receive the Holy Spirit, His power, surrender to His purpose for us, and die to our own will, our independence apart from Christ, and die to our fleshly life. The Holy Spirit’s desire to renew our minds (to His purpose), replace our stony hearts with a fleshly one, and unite our spirit with the Holy Spirit. Amen!

The elephant right after being captured, has a large chain around one leg to control it. Over time, the elephant understands the chains are too strong to break, and loses hope of freedom. Over time, the large chain is replaced with a smaller and smaller chain. The smaller chain could easily be broken by the elephant. However, the elephant has now been trained and accepted that he is controlled by the chain and therefore, cannot break it. So, the elephant continues to live in bondage. The big chains have claim to the elephant and rule him, when in truth, there is no chain at all.

What chains do we, you and me, still carry around? What chains continue to keep us in bondage, captivity to sin and evil? Jesus Christ, the Truth, broke every one of those chains through his death on the cross and the power of His resurrection. Amen!

What are those chains? What are those strongholds? What haunts you from your past?

Freedom in Christs awaits you! Destiny and purpose are already yours! God is waiting for you!

Just as God will not force us to do anything, like believe in Him, He does not automatically break the chains that keep us from the wonderful fullness of everything He wants for us. We must allow Him to do the work in us.

What are the chains we have? What keeps us from allowing God to heal us?

  • Money and wealth
  • Security , safety, no problems
  • Past hurts
  • Lies from Satan
    • I am not loved or lovable
    • I am alone, abandoned
    • I have no purpose, worth
    • God is not really real, Jesus – just another man
  • I will be happy if ________________?
    • More money, toys, and stuff
    • More family and friends
    • When my kids are grown
    • When I have grandkids
    • I get another job
    • My marriage is better
    • I hang out with better people
    • I am poor, not deserving
    • I am not as good as others
    • My family has always been this way, so will I

Our destiny in Christ requires us receiving via the Holy Spirit, His fullness and Christ’s nature. We must repent and reject all that is not in agreement with Jesus and the Holy Word of God. Christ has delivered you. Christ has healed you. You are truly free in Christ! Every chain was broken on the cross and through the resurrection. The Holy Spirit will do the heavy lifting!

Are you ready to receive freedom, and live in freedom today?

Say Jesus, thank you for LOVING ME, breaking the chains in my life through your sacrifice, your blood, your pain, your resurrection. I come to you Jesus now, surrendering my life to you, so you can change my heart and mind, and mold me into the person you ordained before I was born.

I allow you right not, via the power of the Holy Spirit, to begin removing and destroying the all the spiritual chains in my life for your glory alone Lord!

Lord, I want broken chains for Christmas!

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